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About Julia

Julia is a young professional who is on a mission to disrupt diet culture and the fitness industry. With unlimited access to social media, "scientific" information, and personal blogs from misogynistic men named Joe can help you get a "bikini body", the fitness industry has become a dangerous place if the wrong people are given a spotlight.

Julia has become passionate about wellness, nutrition, and fitness through recovering from an eating disorder that took 2 years of her life. Julia is learning how to take back her life through nourishing and loving her body and wants to share her journey with others who may be struggling as well.

The fitness industry has told women how they should look, how they should eat, and how they should workout. Julia wants to help women find what actually works for them and their bodies, helping women feel confident in their own skin.

Julia is 22 years old and is a new Bostonian. Julia wants to build a community of women who support one another by teaching others how to live a softer and more powerful life.

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