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The Whole Foods & Animal Based Grocery List

I have been eating an animal based diet for about 6 months now. I never experience bloat, gas, digestion issues, mid-day fatigue, muscle cramping, or poor sleep. Eating an animal diet has seriously improved the quality of my life. An animal based diet means that your diet consists of mostly animal products and no non-animal based products. The animal based diet does not include bread, nuts, vegetables, legumes, pasta, oatmeal, and much more. However, I still eat bread products, oatmeal, and vegetables, but in moderation. When I do eat these items, I make sure they align with the animal based diet, which means they have a VERY short ingredient list and are not ultra processed. When I am going to eat something that is not an animal product, I try to eat whole foods that are minimally processed, no added sugars, no additives, and have an extremely short ingredient list. Below is my weekly grocery list that aligns with the animal based diet, but also allows room for other foods that I enjoy. It is all about balance!

Weekly Grocery List:

-dozen pasture raised eggs

-lean ground beef

-2-3 grass fed sirloin steaks

-Fage 0% greek yogurt

-whole milk

-kerrygold butter

-sourdough bread (sourdough bread is preferred b/c it is fermented)

-cream cheese

-carrots, bell peppers, & frozen vegetables

-chicken sausages

-maple syrup

-hagan daaz vanilla ice cream (great ingredient list)

-chomps meat sticks

-grass fed beef jerkey

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